Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas

PhD candidate
Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University


I am Laura Thomas. Since September 2015 I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ruben Vanderlinde (supervisor), Prof. Dr. Geert Devos (co-supervisor) and Dr. Melissa Tuytens.

PhD project

My PhD project focuses on the social network of beginning primary school teachers (an interuniversity project in collaboration with KU Leuven, funded by FWO). In particular, my PhD project aims to entangle the strength of collegial support ties in primary school teachers’ first years in the profession. To achieve this goal, and drawing theoretically from the social network perspective and methodologically from social network analysis, four quantitative and mixed methods studies are conducted.

Background information

I obtained my Master’s degree in Special Needs Education at Ghent University in 2015.