EARLI SIG 11 “Teaching and Teacher Education” is an European forum for sharing and debating high quality research on teaching and teacher education.
Potential is a research project that focuses on enhancing teachers’ competence development in creating inclusive learning environments.
InFo-TED is an international forum working to promote professional development of teacher educators.
In this high-quality education you attain your master’s degree as well as your diploma as a teacher.
VVOB Education for Development is a Flemish NGO working to support quality improvement of education in developing countries
ESTAFETT is a research project that focuses on teamteaching and the impact of teamteaching on students and teachers.
ENLIGHT is a consortium of 9 European universities. ENLIGHT stands for European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustaInability and Global engagement through Higher education Transformation.
The LOPO research group coordinates the ‘Teacher Education Network’ within the ENLIGHT project
Vital Teach is an online video annotation tool designed to support student teachers and beginning teachers.
AOP LOONT stands for ‘LerarenOpleidingsOnderzoeksNeTwerk‘, a research association platform that collects research on teacher(education) in collaboration with researchers from HoGent, HoWest, Arteveldehogeschool, and UGent.
ESTAFETT is a research project that focuses on teamteaching and the impact of teamteaching on students and teachers.