

Research worth reading

The complexity of team teaching models: the relationship with collaboration and shared responsibility

The complexity of team teaching models: the relationship with collaboration and shared responsibility

Aron Decuyper, Hanne Tack, Bénédicte Vanblaere, Mathea Simons, & Ruben Vanderlinde

Collaboration and Shared Responsibility in Team Teaching: A Large-Scale Survey Study

Collaboration and Shared Responsibility in Team Teaching: A Large-Scale Survey Study

Aron Decuyper, Hanne Tack, Bénédicte Vanblaere, Mathea Simons, & Ruben Vanderlinde

Characteristics and effectiveness of mentoring programmes for specialized and advanced practice nurses: A systematic review

Characteristics and effectiveness of mentoring programmes for specialized and advanced practice nurses: A systematic review

Isabel Vlerick, Lise-Marie Kinnaer, Ben Delbaere, Annemarie Coolbrandt, Elsie Decoene, Laura Thomas, Ruben Vanderlinde, Ann Read more

Exploring the effectiveness of clinical simulations to develop student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence.

Exploring the effectiveness of clinical simulations to develop student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence.

De Coninck, K., Keppens, K., Valcke, M., Dehaene, H., De Neve, J., & Vanderlinde, R. Read more

Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes.

Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes.

Thomas, L., Rienties, B., Tuytens, M., Devos, G., Kelchtermans, G., & Vanderlinde, R.

Short interims, long impact? A follow-up study on early career teachers’ induction

Short interims, long impact? A follow-up study on early career teachers’ induction

S. Marent, A. Deketelaere, K. Jokikokko, R. Vanderlinde & G. Kelchtermans

Professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions

Professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions

W. Vantieghem, I. Roose, E. Gheyssens, J. Griful-Freixenet, K. Keppens, R. Vanderlinde, K. Struyven, P. Read more

Beliefs as filters for comparing inclusive classroom situations

Beliefs as filters for comparing inclusive classroom situations

I. Roose, P. Van Avermaet, W. Vantieghem, & R. Vanderlinde

Measuring pre-service teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms

Measuring pre-service teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms

K. Keppens, E. Consuegra, M. Goossens, S. De Maeyer, & R. Vanderlinde

Teachers’ first year in the profession: The power of high-quality support

Teachers’ first year in the profession: The power of high-quality support

L. Thomas, M. Tuytens, G. Devos, G. Kelchtermans, & R. Vanderlinde

Exploring the effectiveness of video-vignettes to develop mathematics student teachers’ feedback competence

Exploring the effectiveness of video-vignettes to develop mathematics student teachers’ feedback competence

L. Muniz-Rodriguez, P. Alonso, L.J. Rodriguez-Muniz, K. De Coninck, R. Vanderlinde, & M. Valcke

Professional development initiatives for university teachers

Professional development initiatives for university teachers

C. Jaramillo-Baquerizo, M. Valcke, & R. Vanderlinde

Teacher education and family-school partnerships in different contexts

Teacher education and family-school partnerships in different contexts

M. Willemse, I. Thompson, R. Vanderlinde, & T. Mutton

What is (good) practitioner research?

What is (good) practitioner research?

H. Heikkinen, F. de Jong, & R. Vanderlinde